New To Payments
Find The Right Processor
3 Things to Look For

#1 - Commitment

You need a processing company that is 100% committed to your success!  This means they provide training, support, equipment and a proven path forward.  These payment processors are looking for full-time commitment and focus from their sales partners, as well. Commitment goes both ways. 

#2 - Commission

Residual income sounds great!  But, unless you have a healthy savings account, you will need some up-front income as the sales start rolling in.  Find a processor who offers not only lifetime residuals, but up-front income from each sale you make.

#3 - Coaching

I am the leader when it comes to merchant sales video training. However, in addition to video training, I recommend watching a pro close deals in person to learn the business much faster. For new agents, I recommend processors that offer in-person coaching and training.

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